Saturday, April 11, 2009
I had a wonderful birthday! Some ups and downs, as in all things in my life. I got to hug on the darling Carson-Burts! Oh man are they getting big! So beautiful every single one! A few missing faces though, I miss my old friends. Brian was decent for the most part, until he proved how much he and Kyle are alike. Pain equals anger with the Heath boys apparently. Which explains a lot.... I have to admit I have done some soul searching, with one all too true conclusion, pretending everything is fine doesn't make it so. Long time coming...........
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Happy Birthday Shay!
Wow my baby girl that changed my life so dramatically is 10!!
I am so very proud of the beauty that shines from her very soul.
She is brilliant and kind yet daring and funny. I am so thankful she is
mine! My life is nothing without her smile. Watching her grow up is so exciting, and terrifying at the same time. I hope I can be all that she needs, because I so need her. I love my Shayln Makenzie. Happy Birthday kiddo love your crazy and embarrassing Mom!!!
I am so very proud of the beauty that shines from her very soul.
She is brilliant and kind yet daring and funny. I am so thankful she is
mine! My life is nothing without her smile. Watching her grow up is so exciting, and terrifying at the same time. I hope I can be all that she needs, because I so need her. I love my Shayln Makenzie. Happy Birthday kiddo love your crazy and embarrassing Mom!!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentines Day!!
Happy V day to all my peeps!!!
Ha ha ha I am so white it's scary! So a great big thank you to my sis for the great dinner! It was so very nice of her to let me and my monkeys invade her home! You know I have heard people "hate on" Valentine's day for many obvious reasons... but all in all it's nice to let people know that they are an important part of your life. I love you all so much. Thank you to all that have shown me and my family so much love day in and day out. You are wind beneath my wings!!! Ha ha ha I told you I was white!!!
Long story just to say no matter how much this turns me into the "greeting card sell out", Happy Valentines Day I love YOU!!!!
Ha ha ha I am so white it's scary! So a great big thank you to my sis for the great dinner! It was so very nice of her to let me and my monkeys invade her home! You know I have heard people "hate on" Valentine's day for many obvious reasons... but all in all it's nice to let people know that they are an important part of your life. I love you all so much. Thank you to all that have shown me and my family so much love day in and day out. You are wind beneath my wings!!! Ha ha ha I told you I was white!!!
Long story just to say no matter how much this turns me into the "greeting card sell out", Happy Valentines Day I love YOU!!!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
So many songs exist in my brain that when asked to write some down they all rush at once and get clogged so that I can't remember a single one. Funny how music is always there creating the soundtrack to our lives. Say the name of a band and you instantly think of all the memories made while listening to that band. What do you think of when I say; 311....Sublime..... Rush.....Depeche Mode......... Beatles .........The Cure.......NIN...........NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK jk. You get the idea =). Sometimes I wonder what will be the next scene in my movie and what will be playing? I can't think of an entire song to speak of at the moment, but I do want to share one line that I hope will inspire you like it has me.
"I never had a dream in my life, because a dream is what you want to do and still haven't persued. I knew what I wanted, and did it till it was done." Lucy by Aesop Rock
So stop dreaming people and do.
Peace, Love , Laughter!
"I never had a dream in my life, because a dream is what you want to do and still haven't persued. I knew what I wanted, and did it till it was done." Lucy by Aesop Rock
So stop dreaming people and do.
Peace, Love , Laughter!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Happy holidays
Happy Freakin Holidays PEOPLE!! It's funny when people react surprised at my positive attitude at work. They all assume I must hate life because I work retail. Yes on occasion murder crosses my mind...jk....but really why on earth would I let some crazy shopper get me down? I have seen my share of the whack jobs this holiday but overall people are generous and kind. I am getting so excited for the morning of Christmas! My two beautiful children are bouncing with anticipation! I love the joy of making memories. I am so very greatful to have work and the ability to care for my family. These times are so hard for so many. I am greatful that through all the hard times my family has stuck together. In all honesty I truely felt that last year was the last that my little family would share together. Things were really ugly at home and I had given up, but my amazing children woke me up and gave me patience. This year we are all still here, full of hope and love. Even if there is not a single gift under my tree I am satisfied and happy. One last thing, thanks Dad.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
So people have this tendency, to over indulge when life is unfair and they feel they deserve better. I watch it day after day with women who shop to feel better. Or at the restaurants when the extra drink or dessert is ordered because of a hard day. It seems our entire nation has over indulged for so long that the nations children don't know how to be satisfied. Our country is a self centered nightmare. Addiction is an ugly and painful master. So after fighting for centuries to not have a master and be our own destiny makers, why the hell are we allowing our youth to be such worthless zombies of selfishness? I don't see any drive to be a better person anymore from most of the people I deal with. It is truly sad and frustrating to think of sending my young ones out into a world with such a frightening future. People are still going to spend themselves into massive debt this holiday, even with our economic state. What ever happened to helping out those less fortunate? People are going hungry every day.... freezing.... everyday.... in our own neighborhoods. The basic middle class is now the poor and needy, so the poor and needy are now just wishing to die. Yes I am a bit of a drama queen but watching people spend hundreds of dollars on the spoiled selfish children, who feel they are owed the gifts, makes me sick!!! These are the children who have hundreds of toys/clothes already, so many they can't even appreciate any of them. Do you remember getting that one item that made your holiday? That one doll or truck that you would play with all day every day? I would form a true love for my "one special toy", sleep with it every night, name it, never leave home without it, remember? Kids today don't even remember what they received by the end of the day, let alone love it, so why over indulge? This year, my kids get one gift each. Something of substance that they can bond with. Perhaps some homemade items of true need and nothing more. My goal in life is to give my children self worth... not self centered never satisfied emptiness. I am not saying teens are easy, they are hell on wheels, but if I can... I want to help my kids see the difference between want and need. The way the world is going it is no easy goal. Addiction is never easy to face. Counting your blessings and being grateful should not be so hard. This holiday season makes me want to say thank you to my parents for giving me so much in life. Thank you to my siblings for being so strong and loving. Thank you to the wonderful people who are still trying to be better every day, and showing us all the way. I send out a challenge to all who have spent the time to read my crap today, Go volunteer. There are people in actual need, give them your time, and love. I promise it will be the best gift you receive all season =)
Peace, Hope, Love to you all
Peace, Hope, Love to you all
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
messin with the newbies
So I have been hiring all of my seasonal help, and man is it fun to screw with them! Scaring the crap out of a spoiled teenager is the best!
I always take care not to go to far.... but I have to admit I am a little twisted. In the long run I have nine new people who know when to work and when to laugh. Hazing is never allowed..... so let's just call it "breaking them in" tee hee. The best so far was today I had a kid leaving who set off the alarm (actually I set it off) so I yelled "You set off the alarm! Thief! Thief! Thief!" The poor kid looked like he was going to cry!! I couldn't keep a straight face, I busted and then he got it and laughed too.
So world, let me know of any funny things (that wont get me fired) that I can pull on the next new kid on the block =). HA HA HA HA HA HA come on what is life without a few laughs?
I always take care not to go to far.... but I have to admit I am a little twisted. In the long run I have nine new people who know when to work and when to laugh. Hazing is never allowed..... so let's just call it "breaking them in" tee hee. The best so far was today I had a kid leaving who set off the alarm (actually I set it off) so I yelled "You set off the alarm! Thief! Thief! Thief!" The poor kid looked like he was going to cry!! I couldn't keep a straight face, I busted and then he got it and laughed too.
So world, let me know of any funny things (that wont get me fired) that I can pull on the next new kid on the block =). HA HA HA HA HA HA come on what is life without a few laughs?
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