Saturday, January 10, 2009


So many songs exist in my brain that when asked to write some down they all rush at once and get clogged so that I can't remember a single one. Funny how music is always there creating the soundtrack to our lives. Say the name of a band and you instantly think of all the memories made while listening to that band. What do you think of when I say; 311....Sublime..... Rush.....Depeche Mode......... Beatles .........The Cure.......NIN...........NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK jk. You get the idea =). Sometimes I wonder what will be the next scene in my movie and what will be playing? I can't think of an entire song to speak of at the moment, but I do want to share one line that I hope will inspire you like it has me.

"I never had a dream in my life, because a dream is what you want to do and still haven't persued. I knew what I wanted, and did it till it was done." Lucy by Aesop Rock

So stop dreaming people and do.

Peace, Love , Laughter!

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